- Simple, plain MDF.
- Ideal if you intend to paint the finished piece.
- Has a smooth matte finish that is the same on both sides.
The Specs
- Maximum usable area: 595mm x 295mm.
- Maximum sheet size: Approx. 600mm x 300mm.
- Price Range: $ Low.
- Thickness: 3mm, 6mm (± 10%).
- Finish: Natural, smooth finish that is consistent on both sides.
Good to Know

Black Edges on 6mm
Due to the power needed to cut through the 6mm thickness, the edges of this material tend to go black/ very dark brown. There can be a small amount of black transfer if you rub the edges as well.Recommended Uses
- Great for prototyping as it is very low cost.
- Provides a smooth surface ideal for working on with paint and other mediums e.g. Resin Coating.
More Information
- Cuts well and leaves a clean, smooth edge line that typically shows a dark edge due to the high resin content.
- Is cut without protective tape, which means smoke marks will show.
- Engraves well but doesn't show a high contrast between engraved and not engraved areas.
- It is difficult to capture colour correctly; allow for slight variation from monitor to reality.
- Thickness can vary by up to 10% as a result of the manufacturing process, so creating interlocking designs can be difficult.